
Monday, September 30, 2019

Blauner Hypothesis Essay

Disucussion on the Noel and Blauner Hypotheses When two distinct groups first come into contact with each other, the conditions of that meeting can determine the fate and mold the relations of the two groups for generations. This is called the â€Å"Contact Situation.† Donald Noel and Robert Blauner have analyzed this initial contact and developed hypotheses that aid in the understanding of this phase of the inter-group relations. Donald Noel and Robert Blauner The Noel hypothesis recognizes that there are three segments to the contact situation, that when working together, lead to some sort of inequality between the groups. The hypothesis states: If two or more groups come together in a contact situation characterized by ethnocentrism, competition and a difference in power, then some form of racial or ethnic stratification will result (Noel, 1968, p. 163). In other words, if the contact situation contains all three of the situations, ethnocentrism, competition, and a difference in power, then some sort of dominant-minority social structure will be created. Ethnocentrism is defined as the tendency to judge other groups, societies or lifestyles by the standard of one’s own culture (Healy, 1999, p. 175). At some level, ethnocentrism is a necessary part of human culture. Without it, people would tend to not obey laws, social norms or work with others in every day life. Ethnocentrism can also create a negative effect. At the extreme end of it, it can create the view that other cultures are not only different, but are also inferior. When ethnocentrism exists at any level, most people follow group lines and tend to differentiate between â€Å"us† and â€Å"them† (Healy, 1999, p. 175) Competition is a struggle over a scarce commodity (Healy, 1999, p 175), and usually leads to prejudice and discrimination. In contact situations, the dominant group is the one that come out on top of the competition. Competition can be over anything that is desired by either group, or what one group has that other wants. The dominant group serves its own interests by ending the competition and exploiting, controlling, eliminating or dominating the minority group (Healy, 1999 p.176). Differential in power is the third component in a contact situation. There are three things that can determine the differential of power: the size of the group, the organizational skills, and group leadership skills, and the controlling of resources. A larger, better organized group with more resources will generally be able to impose its will on the minority group (Healy,1999, p.176). The Blauner hypothesis, analyzed in his book Racial Oppression in America (1972), identifies two other types of contact situations, colonization and immigration. Blauner’s hypothesis states â€Å"minority groups created by colonization will experience more intense prejudice, racism, and discrimination than those created by immigration. Furthermore, the disadvantaged status of colonized groups will persist longer and be more difficult to overcome than the disadvantaged status faced by groups created by immigration† (Blauner, 1972). Colonized minority groups such as African Americans are usually forced into minority status. The status is forced upon them by the military and political powers wielded by the majority group. One example is the slave status. Colonized minorities have virtually no chance for assimilation and are typically identified by highly visible physical characteristics. Most immigrant minority groups have some semblance of control over where they are immigrating to. For this reason, they usually keep enough of their culture and resources to help them achieve that which they strive for. While immigrants will face problems trying to assimilate, they usually have a better chance than those that have been colonized. Works Cited â€Å"Bob Blauner.† Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Blauner. Licinio, J., and Ma-Li Wong. Biology of Depression: from Novel Insights to Therapeutic Strategies. Weinheim, Wiley-VCH, 2005.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Immigration Reform: Impacts at the State and Federal Levels Essay

Texas has a reputation throughout history of differing views from the federal government in laws and politics pertaining to social, fiscal, and educational issues. On the whole, Texas operates as a largely conservative state. Because of this, policy-making is often right wing. With the institution of a Democratic, liberal president, the State’s dissent from the Federal government has only increased over certain issues. One hot topic of the 2012 Presidential election was immigration. With the major increase in immigration, it is no surprise that the issue was so emphasized. Between 2000 and 2011 there was a 30 percent increase in the foreign-born population. The immigrant population grew from 31.1 million to 40.04 million. (americanprogress.org) Texas has a special interest in this subject due to the fact that they have a population of over 4 million immigrants. Texas is among the top three states with foreign born individuals living within its borders, giving the state a veste d interest in the nation’s immigration policy. (Orrenius et al., 1) Historically, Texas has differentiated from the National government in regards to immigration. One example is the Supreme Court case Plyer v. Doe. In 1975, the Texas Legislature allowed public schools to deny enrollment to children who could not provide documentation that they were â€Å"legally-admitted† to the United States. In 1977, the Tyler independent school district adopted a policy that required foreign-born students who were not â€Å"legally-admitted† to pay tuition to attend. A group of students from Mexico who could not establish their â€Å"legal-admittance† filed a class action suit which challenged the policy. The Supreme Court ruled that the policy violated the Equal Protection Clause, stating, â€Å"If states provide a free public education to U.S. citizens and lawfully present foreign-born children, they cannot deny such an education to undocumented children without ‘showing that it furthers  some substantial state interest.’â₠¬  (immigrationpolicy.org) Being a right-wing state, Texas has a strong belief in state autonomy in policy making, therefore the decision in this case was not well-received by the majority of individuals in the state—despite it being the morally and legally correct decision. Texas has also long supported an increase in border security. In 2006, Gov. Rick Perry announced a plan that assigned Department of Public Safety personnel as well as other resources to the border to assist in law enforcement. He also added an additional $3.8 million in grant funding for state criminal justice planning funds to the Texas Border Sheriff’s Coalition. (Texas House of Representatives) The state’s legislative policy has been one of strict anti-immigration. In Texas’s 81st Legislative session, the issue of Voter ID arose. The Voter ID bill would require photo identification or two forms of other identification in order to vote. During the 81st session, Democrats filibustered to prevent the issue from being voted upon, it is very likely this is the only reason the bill did not pass and it likely will pass should it reappear in the 82nd session. Despite its history of harsh policies towards foreign born immigrants, two bills have been introduced into the Texas Legislature which provide some leniency toward immigrants. The first is a proposal would grant undocumented immigrants the ability to legally drive and obtain insurance if they pass a background check and a driving test. Texas Rep. Byron Cook said about the subject, â€Å"That’s much better policy than what we have right now, where we have undocumented workers that are driving without a license and without insurance, and we don’t know who they are or where they live.† (Harper) Despite the reason behind it, the policy definitely shows an unprecedented favor towards illegal aliens within Texas borders. The second bill would prohibit law enforcement from asking the immigration status of witnesses and victims of crimes. Though neither of these bills has made it to debate, they do demonstrate a shift from previous anti-immigration sentiment. In June of this year, the Senate passed immigration reform bill S.744, containing several provisions including: increased border security, a feasible path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, creates a new category of merit-based green cards for individuals who meet certain criteria which might benefit the national interest, and mandates that all employers in the country use E-Verify—a government work-authorization  system—within five years of employment (americanprogress.org). While the provisions of this bill are largely in line with the beliefs of the Texas Legislature and policies of the state, they do bring certain issues to light. Although the idea of stricter Federal immigration policies seems to be beneficial for the states, often the federal government passes legislation and leaves the states to handle the cost. For example, from October 2011 to September 2013 Texas county jails spent $156.6 million on incarceration of undocumented immigrants. (Su, 23) Ultimately, immigration policy on both the state and federal level will continue to be a dynamic topic. While certain aspects of immigration reform will likely have major benefits for the nation such as boosts to the economy with an estimated 121,000 jobs being added yearly and an increase in the GDP over 10 years, others are fundamentally flawed. For instance, the E-Verify system is viewed by some as the first step towards a national identification system for all US citizens. This is viewed by many as an invasion of privacy. In addition to this, according to research the system misidentifies about 1% of applicants as undocumented. (Against The Current) Forcing employers to use E-Verify could also lead to a decrease in State and Federal payroll taxes because it could cause employers to move their undocumented employees â€Å"off the books† to avoid having to incur the cost of training new employees and offering more competitive wages. Although both state and federal governments have good intentions with their immigration policies, both have serious issues to consider. Solving the immigration problem will require Federal and Local governments to work hand in hand. Border security is something both sides advocate heavily, spending millions on walls, electronic equipment, and increased border patrol. The cost has not just been limited to dollars, however, as increase border security leads to an increase in casualties. Immigration reform has the potential to boost the economy as well as increase the relations between the United States and foreign countries. By continuing to advocate for a path to citizenship and work towards getting the 11 million undocumented immigrants citizenship, the government can achieve these goals. In addition, continued movement towards bipartisanism on both the state and federal levels can create an overall better, more effective nation. Works Cited: â€Å"Facts on Immigration Today.† Center for American Progess. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Dec. 2013. . Orrenius, Pia M., Madeline Zavodny, and Melissa LoPalo. Pia M. Orrenius Madeline Zavodny Melissa LoPalo Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Agnes Scott College Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas DALLAS FED Immigration and the Transformation of the Texas Economy. Nov. 2013. Print. â€Å"Public Education for Immigrant Students: States Challenge Supreme Court’s Decision in Plyler v. Doe.† Immigration Policy Center. American Immigration Council, n.d. Web. 7 Dec. 2013. . Texas House of Representatives. House Research Organization. The Role of States in Immigration Enforcement. Feb. 2006. Print. Harper, Karen Brooks. â€Å"Immigrant Driving Permit Bill in Legislature Raises Tough Issue for GOP.† Dallas Morning News [Dallas] 2 May 2013: Print. SU, RICK. â€Å"The States Of Immigration.† William & Mary Law Review 54.4 (2013): 1339-1407. Academic Search Complete. Web. 8 Dec. 2013. â€Å"Organizations and Leaders’ Critique of S.744.† Against The Current 28.4 (2013): 11-12. Academic Search Complete. Web. 8 Dec. 2013.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

An Assessment of Heroism in the Characters of Gawain and Beowulf

An Assessment of Heroism in the Characters of Gawain and Beowulf Who is more heroic: Gawain or Beowulf? Hero (n): a person who is admired for great or brave acts or fine qualities (Merriam-Webster.com). While deciphering the true meaning of heroism for a few minutes something stopped me. In general opinion, most readers would consider Beowulf more heroic. And, according to the pattern of literature, film, and storytelling Beowulf is more heroic. But truly, it depends on which context you are viewing this upon. If we were to read the two stories in the Anglo-Saxon era, of which took place from 410 – 1066 AD, we could all agree Beowulf is the true hero. He fought off two monsters and a dragon among other beasts. When he fought Grendel he proclaimed, â€Å"it won’t be a cutting edge I’ll wield to mow him down, easily as I might†¦ He has no idea of the arts of war, of shield or sword-play, although he does possess a wild strength† (Greenblatt, 55). He acknowledges the pure strength of Grendel, and declares he will fight him without weapons because that is the just thing to do. He wants to be fair and square. A cowardly or even just average person would use any advantage to best the monster, but Beowulf has a true inner-courage, incomparable to anyone else in existence. He won battles nobody else could. Gawain had one battle to fight. He only volunteered because nobody else would except for his king, and he kept the â€Å"magical girdle† instead of show ing up as he promised to (giving the green knight a fair blow to his neck). He was fearful, where Beowulf was not. Beowulf fought bare-handedly when he didn’t even have to. So, physically or externally Beowulf was the true hero. In parallel the two stories yield a different answer, when viewing them from the eyes of a person alive in the 21st century. The true hero comes from within today. For example, someone who can lift three cars has less of a place in society than someone who can travel to third world countries and give food and shelter to those who are unfortunate. Gawain has more inner strength than Beowulf does. For example, in the days leading up to the meeting with the Green Knight, he is tested by temptations. One of those temptations is sex, and yet, despite the Green Knight’s wife’s strong sex appeal, he turns her away in the nicest way possible. The Green Knight was testing Gawain up until the moment he struck him with the axe. Gawain, fearful, kept the girdle that the Green Knight’s wife gave him because he believed it’s magical powers would save him. Therefore, he broke his promise. He was supposed to bear his neck, no shield, no protection. He lost his â€Å"tr oth† or his word by wearing that girdle. When he finds out that the Green Knight was testing him in his ability to keep his troth he was furious. He admitted, â€Å" Dread of the death blow and cowardly doubts meant I gave into greed, and in doing so forgot the freedom and fidelity every knight knows to follow† (Greenblatt, 235). After that the Green Knight forgives him because, like the readers, he sees Gawain’s strength in admitting his downfall and being truthful and regretful in the end. Beowulf is the opposite. He is egotistical and arrogant. Yes, he is significantly strong, but it is never enough. He always wants more. He always wants the fame, as when he left his men behind to take on the dragon, alone, despite his old age. Beowulf’s fault led him to his death, whereas Gawain’s humility saved his life. In today’s world all of us are faced with numerous different amounts of temptation. It speaks a lot to ones character to avoid them, and to speak for themselves in regret when they falter in their ability to deny those temptations. Gawain does this, when Beowulf is blind to his own faults. Today, Gawain would be the true hero. This is why when reading and interpreting the texts we must always consider context. Gawain is the real â€Å"person who is admired for great or brave acts or fine qualities† (Merriam-Webster). Gawain is the indisputable hero.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Middle east Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Middle east - Research Paper Example First of all, the crude form of IS (say, the Islamic State) was established in the year 1999, known as Jama’at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad. This group was formed in Jordan, under the leadership of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Axel Hunsicker stated that, â€Å"Zarqavi and his group helped finance, recruit, transport, and train Sunni Islamic extremists for the Iraqi resistance† (420). Besides, this organization played an important role in creating internal problems in the Middle Eastern context during the time of insurgency in Iraq. One can see that the presence of foreign fighters in this group proves its effectiveness, beyond its decentralized leadership. In the year 2004, this group decided to extend its influence by affiliating itself to international terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda. For instance, the group’s name underwent transformation as Taná ºâ€œim QaÊ »idat al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn. One can see that the insurgency in Iraq was not over during 2000s. So, the primary aim of this group was to take an active role in the internal politics of Iraq by taking arms against the coalition forces. Again in the year 2006, this group changed its name into Islamic State of Iraq (ISI). To be specific, this transformation is important because the Mujahedeen leadership decided to co-ordinate different insurgent groups under a single leadership. Besides, the core leadership was in decentralized form to overcome unexpected deaths of important leaders.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Performance & Reward system- Case study Ericsson company

Performance & Reward system- Ericsson company - Case Study Example r hand, reward management is concerned with identifying the motivating aspects of employees which leads to the classification of the amount of pay, compensation and other incentives (Chiang and Birtch 2005). The purpose of the literature review is to help in understanding performance management. The paper presents a case study of past experience attained from the Ericsson Company, Saudi Arabia Branch. The paper is a critique of the performance and reward system in the organization, which highlights the strengths and weaknesses of performance and reward system in the company. It also offers brief information about the company and its branch in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the positive and negative aspects of the company’s performance and reward system, their positive and negative impacts on employee satisfaction, and finally an analysis of the effectiveness of system as well as recommendations regarding how the organization’s performance and reward system can be changed in order for it to allow the accomplishment of organizational goals. However, the report has a limitation in the sense that the experience in this company was acquired 2 years ago, and its performance and reward system might have changed with time. The paper was prepared from information obtained through observations while working in the company, and interactions with employees, as well as the company magazine as well as journals on performance and reward management. Ericsson is a Swedish multinational company that operates through foreign subsidiaries globally. It offers communication systems and services, which include a variety of technologies such as mobile networks and equipments. It also provides fixed network services world wide. These are mainly provided through foreign subsidiaries. Its subsidiary in Saudi Arabia was established in 1980. It operates in through three branches of the Saudi Ericsson, with 360 employees who are professionals in communication technology and other fields of

Accounting For Financial Instruments For Securities and Investment Term Paper

Accounting For Financial Instruments For Securities and Investment Companies and Banking Institutions - Term Paper Example In particular, the use of the SFAS 157 accounting policy differs in its application for the banking industry and investment companies. Recent bouts of credit crises have ended in lasting implications in which financial instruments have stringent regulations. International accounting standards demand that certain procedures get disclosure in the accounting and valuation of financial instruments and securities. The standards are highly specific on fair value measurements for different classes of financial instruments. The objective of this report is to debate the differences in accounting for financial instruments and securities in investment companies and banking corporations with regard to SFAS 175 (ASC 820-20). Advancements in economic perspectives are responsible for the unprecedented increase in the use of financial instruments. Therefore, accounting regulations bodies have had to come up with policy guidelines to keep pace with these changes. Policy changes in regulation of finan cial instruments will continue to affect the industry for many years to come. An intriguing and somewhat challenging issue pertaining to the use of financial instruments and securities is the difference in their usage across a range of industries. SFAS 157, on fair value measurements, seeks to fill this important role and resolve any obstructing issues. This paper discusses how the financial reporting standard varies for the investment and the banking industries. SFAS 157 (ASC 820-10) Fair Value Measurements The fair value measurement standard, which came into force in 2006, seeks to provide a unified framework that offers greater consistency in application of fair value measurement guidelines (J.P. Morgan, 2).SFAS 157, Fair Value Measurement, defines fair value, outlines a framework for its measurement through levels, and expands disclosures relating to fair value. The accounting statement provides a major pronouncement to the measurement of fair value for financial instruments, an d its effects spread to several corporate entities. The broad mandate of the SFAS 157 is to increase disclosure requirements for fair value measurements. IFRS standards require that the measure on securities be at fair value. Previously, accounting regulations on measurement of value for financial instruments were scattered and inconsistent, and the Fair Value Measurements guidelines’ intention was to lay a foundation for all fair value measurements, disambiguate the term ‘fair value’, and enhance disclosures falling under the fair value categorization (Deloitte, 7). To some extent, the disclosure of the financial instrument values and particularly securities differs with the industry type, notably for the banking and the investment industry. Terms on Fair Value Measurement In SFAS 157, fair value is the price at which an asset is saleable or transferrable between participants in the market at the date the measurement takes place (J.P. Morgan, 3). Inputs can eith er be observable and unobservable, where the observable inputs are indicative of the market conditions and the unobservable inputs indicate the company’s perspective on the price of an asset. An active market is one where daily price is obtainable and the fair value is easy to obtain without reliance on forecasting models or other forms of adjustments. Accounting for Financial Instruments and Securities Financial instruments are negotiable cash instruments with a certain financial worth. Financial instruments give an entity the right to receive or the commitment to provide cash or another financial instru

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Art and design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Art and design - Essay Example The Harlem renaissance art borrowed heavily from post impressionism. The African American community came to understand that it was their time to flourish as human beings. This is usually referred to as the period of enlightenment for the African American artists and the people. This essay seeks to discuss the Harlem renaissance basing on the two prominent figures, Richmond Barthe and Aaron Douglas. It compares and contrasts their early life, their education and their contribution in the Harlem renaissance. Richmond Barthe was born in bay St Louis, Mississippi. This was on January 28, 1901. His father was sr. Richmond Barthe and his mother Marie clementine Robateau. His mother sewed to support the family and his father died when he was only a year old. His mother later remarried to Barthe’s godfather, William franklin. William had no stable job and he worked odd jobs to sustain the family. This included being the icemen to the local community. Interestingly, Barthe’s interest in art developed at a very tender age. Barthe himself mentions that his mother would keep him calm through giving him a piece of paper to draw on. This would allow the mother enough time to run the house errands (Schulman & Peter, 2009 p123). At the age of six years, Barthe began to paint after the master the mum sewed for gave him a set of water colors. At this age, Barthe could draw well. When Barthe was a teenager, his art was overdeveloped for his age. Most of his paintings captured his father’s ice customers and his mother’s sewing customers. Luckily as he helped his father in delivering ice during the summer, one of the customers noticed the hardship and helped him get a job in New Orleans (Black, 2009 p234). This family encouraged his art and as he worked as a houseboy, Barthe furthered his talent in art. It was around this time that Barthe met Lyle Saxon. This was a writer for the New

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

All American Poem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

All American Poem - Essay Example It uncovers the profundity of Dickmans ethical creative ability and demands his dedication to creating his different voice and topical reach. Mayakovskys Revolver is that uncommon work that lays bear how verse battles both with life and with itself. When all is said in done Dickman is an extraordinary kind of artist, the sort to start in his followers an interest for the creator himself. One may muse on how a discussion with Yeats may go, or wish to send Robert Lowell some lively blessing via mail, yet what might one tribute for an evening of strolling with Whitman, simply listening to him bring up out, or to light both closures of ones flame with Edna St. Vincent Millay? Dickmans ballads appear to handle you by the wrist, or around the waist and aide you to a vantage point where the world looks somewhat more confident. This is particularly valid for his first book, All-American Poem, which overflows over with satisfaction, with quality, and dissatisfaction of all assortment. It is the sort of book you require your companions to peruse. Here is a selection from one of the sonnets of that gathering, "Moderate Dance," which picked up right on time consideration, along these lines numerous solicitations at readings that Dickman once clowned it was in hazard of turning into his "Free Bird": One could continue endlessly like this. What fun there is in Dickman! What inconvenience and hopelessness! There is sufficient sex and amusingness and excellence in these pages to make one swell with the rapture of presence. Yet, however characteristic the appeal of Dickmans work, his ballads are anything other than gullible. His simple style may appear to think again at history with close to a detached look, however this insouciance is won through cautious study: one of Dickmans enchantment traps is pulling off the posture of footloose novice while at the same time participating in an expert dialog with the wonderful convention. In fact, Dickmans engagement with his

Monday, September 23, 2019

Love. Operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Love. Operations Management - Essay Example It also ensures that business operations in an organization are efficient, that is, using few resources effectively for production and having a maximum output. A process design (layout) is the arrangement of facilities in an organization that has the same functions and brings together similar activities. The importance of the layout is that it minimizes the functions that are related to travels, which means the total material cost in travel time and distance is reduced. For example, layout problems involve the location of facilities in a plant. Other important factor includes flexibility, motivation and system protection. In an organization like IKEA layout contributes to the total efficiency of operations and will greatly reduce the total operation cost by over 50%. Hayes and Wheelwright came up with a capability and maturity model that explains how an operation could move from being a barrier to strategic success (Hill and Jones, 2011). Stage one is about being an innovator and creator of opportunities and the last stage suggests that operation capabilities should improve so as to make the strategic impact on the operation function. This model is important to organizations since it provides a way of moving from being a barrier to achieving success. Material requirement planning (MRP) is a technique that assists an organization in a detailed planning of its production. The importance of MRP is that it ensures all products and materials are in line and helps in planning a manufacturing scheme. If a company is planning to excel in its objectives, it should look for the best performance strategies at place; ranging from 4vs which are volume, variation, visibility and variety, performance objective and market requirement planning. The secret to a customer’s satisfaction at IKEA lies in the 4v’s strategy. If a company wants to perform in the sales market, it must consider all aspects of the 4v, volume

Sunday, September 22, 2019

War and its biggest casualty Essay Example for Free

War and its biggest casualty Essay Irene Zabytzko’s â€Å"Home Soil† is a painful reminder of how we often commit the mistake of equating patriotism with going into war, ignorant and often unmindful of the emotional and psychological trauma that war creates not only on those who fight in it but also on the families, friends, lovers, and even acquaintances left behind. Indeed, there is a tendency for people, especially those in power, to measure the effects and the impacts of war based on the number of cities captured and the number of ammunitions spent. It neglects the all-too human side of wars, the limbs and bodies strewn about as a result of grenade blasts, the terror that soldiers feel as they feel their own death foreshadowing them, and the suffering that entire families and communities have to endure with the loss of a loved one. If anything, war teaches us to dissociate ourselves from humanity. As American soldiers’ war experiences in Vietnam shows, it brings out the worst aspects of human beings instead of molding them into the best persons they could have been. It teaches individuals and entire countries to enjoy rage and nightmarish scenes, as body bag upon body bag of dead soldiers return home and the number of widows and orphans pile up. It teaches selfishness as those who lost their loved ones feel only their pain and loss and renders them numb to the pain and loss that those on the enemy’s side must at the same time be feeling. While the images of war shown by the media tend to show the heroism and the courage of soldiers, people must be critical enough to see beyond the superficiality of the images shown and explore instead those that have been cut out because they were considered unfit for viewing. As entire cities and cultures are destroyed by bombs and bullets, the question of where the people of these cities have gone to and their condition should jar us from the complacency with which we watch tanks, bombs, and soldiers ruin not only buildings and infrastructure but also the hopes and dreams of the people who lived and occupied these spaces. Indeed, it is with the numbing of our ability to emphatize with the culture of other people and other civilizations different from our own that is war’s greatest casualty. It is this loss of guilt, of feeling a false sense of triumph as abundant valleys are turned into blackened cemeteries, that we loss our humanity. As both camps of the warring forces come to terms with the rising number of â€Å"collateral damage,† it is the loss of innocent lives that haunt most; it is therefore not surprising for many of those who fought in these wars to come home and suffer from psychological disorders from the trauma of witnessing horrific and inhuman actions or at times committing these themselves. Zabytzko’s story therefore becomes more poignant as more and more conflicts arise from the pursuit of American and other developed nations’ strategic interests in economic development and the fact that a lot have been fought and are continued to be fought after Vietnam. Lest the people forget that war leaves scars not only on the individual but also on our collective memories. No matter when or how it is fought, war will always claim lives and that its biggest casualty will always be none other than our collective conscience.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Stigma of Tattoos in the Workplace

Stigma of Tattoos in the Workplace Anna Marks Jo Vale Abstract    This research looks at the stereotype of tattoos in the workplace today. The research draws upon mostly primary sources including telephone interviews and questionnaires. This report intends to demonstrate that social attitudes are changing in relation to tattoos and that by identifying that tattoos are a part of life now and will continue to be, the aim is to eliminate the assumption that all people with tattoos are involved with crime or unemployable. The results were surprising as they revealed that the younger generations were more conservative in relation to tattoos in a professional environment. Introduction By describing and analysing its most important aspects, this report intends to discuss and evaluate the results that originated through research into the stigma of tattoos in the workplace on people today. The issues covered by this report include; the percentage of people who feel discriminated against because of their tattoos and the people who dont agree with tattoos being on display in the workplace. This topic is important as now a fifth of all British adults have been tattooed (J Henley) and with that number, ever increasing tattoos are becoming the social norm, employers will have to start making some changes to their dress codes if they want a new generation of employees. Tattoos started as an exclusively female practice in ancient Egypt, mummies found with tattoos were usually dismissed and assumed they were of a dubious status (C Lineberry) and until the early 1990s this opinion was largely unchanged, with only 15% of baby boomers (born between 1946-1964) with tattoos and 59% having the opinion that if you had tattoos you were involved with crime or in enlisted military personnel. (J Squires) However, social attitudes are changing and that is simply not the case any more, with increasingly more professionals reporting they have tattoos. Methodology A mixed method approach was used as good variation in data collection usually, leads to greater validity within the work. This was demonstrated with a wide variety of responses from several different sources. The research was approached from a practical standpoint, qualitative and quantitative data was collected through interviews and questionnaires. Quantitate data provided much-needed clarification throughout the research process. However, this method of data collection limited participant responses and are, therefore of little use if depth is required. The methodological approach involved qualitative methods within the research. This method is more suitably used when less information is known, this allows those who do not want to share too much to contribute, without losing out on important information. However, there was a small percentage of people who preferred not to divulge that private information. Primary sources were used more broadly, as the research contained some questions which some might find sensitive in nature and it allowed the questions that needed to be asked, to be asked. This was initially deemed unsuitable for primary data collection, however, the anonymity of the primary data method essentially worked in favour of the research as participants were much more open with their answers when provided with secrecy. Secondary sources were very valuable within research as it allowed statistic comparison and outside data to aid preliminary research. Comparisons of documents and records as well as the use of the census were helpful and reinforced the primary research done. The use of secondary sources helped construct an argument that would have been difficult to make without this information. However, information gathered through this source did create reconsiderations on how to go about the research, for example, secondary data offered a new perspective which introduced new ideas and gave the research more range. Results and Findings The findings suggested that people, in general, did not feel as victimised over their tattoos in the workplace as initially thought, it can be seen from the evidence that out of 88 tattooed individuals aged 18-61 only 5 people felt that they had been treated differently at work or not gained employment because of their tattoos, the small 5.7% of people thought that They will affect me in the future.   A much higher percentage of people did not feel discriminated against for their tattoos as those who did. This was an unexpected finding. The findings showed 94.3% of people who were asked did not feel that their employers had any issues with their tattoos at all. The results showed expectedly that some of the over 30s disliked visible tattoos in the workplace and thought that they should be covered, with most describing them as unprofessional and inappropriate    61% of people who took the survey without tattoos felt they should be covered up. Of that 61%, only 27% of them were over 30 making the majority between 18-26-year-olds who were against visible tattoos in a professional environment Discussion Out of the vast majority of participants with tattoos, 97% did not have any involvement with the navy/army or with crime. It was initially thought that these percentages would be higher as the stigma of tattooed people being involved in crime and/or enlisted is a popular reason in which most people do not appear to like them, with 1 participant saying Tattoos only used to be for thugs. The original hypothesis does not fit with the results maintained through the research, it was initially thought that there would be a significant difference between a younger persons positive attitude to visible tattoos in the work-place than an older persons negative attitude. This was an unexpected finding, however, to try and explain this Wallop (2015) discussed the impact of the so-called midlife crisiss affecting those over 30 and how it is becoming increasingly common for them to get tattoos later in life Tattoos, are now as much a part of a midlife crisis as scouring Facebook for old flames. A recent survey found that almost a quarter of 30 to 59-year-olds have a tattoo somewhere on their body, compared with less than one in six of those aged between 18 and 24. This shows the stigma of tattoos falling away slowly and the older generation gradually backing down on the hardened stereotyped view of tattoos. Backing this theory up, an article from Forbes, published in 2011 argues that tattoos still have a negative impact on employment (L Faw) However, in 2013 they retracted their statement, saying tattoos were no longer a kiss of death in the workplace (R Hennessey) This correlates with the data collected through previous research that was conducted and is interesting because, with just 2 years difference it can be seen from the evidence that social attitudes appeared to have changed, these results present an interesting finding as it seems that it is millennials that have become more conservative in their views. However, a study by CareerBuilder showed that 31% of employers said that having a visible tattoo is one of the reasons they would be less likely to promote an individual (2011) 86% of young professionals do not think tattoos reduce the chance of getting jobs (A Mishra S Mishra) and that grooming and business attire were more important indicators in the hiring decision than tattoos and piercings (J McLeod) as well as feeling that they feel more approachable by younger generations in the workplace. Conclusion The thesis of this report was to analyse and discuss conducted research into the stigma of tattoos in the workplace. In conclusion, from the evidence presented in this report, it can be seen that the hypothesis does not connect with the results presented. Initially, it was thought that younger people would be more open to displaying tattoos at work, in fact, this was not the case. 72.2% of 18-26-year-olds do not think tattoos showing in the workplace is appropriate, it was the older generation that had fewer problems with tattoos. However, with no information from the age range spanning between 27-29 statistics, it would be irresponsible to presume the figures that they fit into. Tattoos have been here for a long time and the findings suggest that they will be around for a lot more. It seems that tattoos may become more acceptable not only in the workplace but in general society References The rise and rise of the tattoo, J Henley, Tuesday 20 July 2010 https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2010/jul/20/tattoos Visible Tattoos And Other Corporate No-Nos, Larissa Faw, October 25 2011, http://www.forbes.com/sites/forbeswomanfiles/2011/10/25/visible-tattoos-and-other-corporate-no-nos/#363efdd3670f Tattoos No Longer A Kiss Of Death In The Workplace, Rachel Hennessey, February 27, 2013 http://www.forbes.com/sites/rachelhennessey/2013/02/27/having-a-tattoo-and-a-job/#120e998d5b92 Anurag Mishra Sasmita Mishra p.3, April, 2015 http://www.ijird.com/index.php/ijird/article/view/69975/54946 The Hidden Mark: An Ethnographic Examination of Visibility in Heavily Tattooed Professionals, Josh M. McLeod p.23 https://dspace.royalroads.ca/bitstream/handle/10170/703/mcleod_josh.pdf?sequence=1isAllowed=y Harris Interactive on behalf of CareerBuilder June 29, 2011, Bad Breath, Heavy Cologne and Wrinkled Clothes Among Factors That Can Make You Less Likely to Get Promoted, http://www.careerbuilder.com/share/aboutus/pressreleasesdetail.aspx?sd=6%2F30%2F2011id=pr642ed=12%2F31%2F2011 Bibliography The National Archives http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/ The Huffington Post http://www.huffingtonpost.com/annie-singer/tattoos-in-the-workplace-_b_9321408.html

Thursday, September 19, 2019

History of Chld Maltreatment :: essays research papers

History of Child Maltreatment   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Child maltreatment has a vast historical background. What society today considers as child maltreatment is seen as being horrible. Before laws ruling against certain treatments towards children were established, the way children were treated was extremely terrible and would be unthinkable in society today.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Before the end of the 19th century, many areas of the Western world looked at infant and child mortality as a normal occurrence. As many as 15-20 per cent of children died within their first year of life. Much of this was attributed to the lack of education of parents. They did not know about proper nutritional requirements for infants. Healthcare was also not very advanced and as a result, many of the illnesses that infants are prone to today were not treated effectively in the 19th century. Parenting itself was not taken very seriously during that time period. The notion of giving infants attention and care was not popular, and it is a well-known fact that infants require a lot of care in order to develop properly and in some cases, survive. There were some parents who were not directly involved in caring for their children until after they were a year old.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Wealthy parents sent their children to wet nurses to be looked after. Wet nurses were women who provided breast-feeding services. They were often women who lived in poverty and made a living this way and were usually not paid very much. To compensate for their low wages they took in more babies than they could care for. This was detrimental for the infants because they were not able to provide them with the attention they required so they were neglected there as well. Many of the infants that went to wet nurses to be looked after were abandoned at local hospitals. These hospitals did not have the resources to look after the infants so they were sent to already busy wet nurses. The overcrowding at the homes of the wet nurses was not entirely their fault when this last point is taken into consideration.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Proper nutrition was not something new mothers were familiar with before the 20th century. Baby food did not have the proper nutrients like it does today. Mixtures of water, broth, tea, breadcrumbs, arrowroot, cornflower, rice, and tapioca were given to infants. This concoction was not satisfying and infants were often still hungry after being fed so they fussed and cried.

Essay --

Joshua Coatsworth Dr. Renshaw IL 2928 February 14, 2014 Forest Grove School District vs. T.A. (2009) Background T.A. (protected as a minor) attended Forest Grove School District in Oregon, from kindergarten through his junior year in high school. During his junior year he was removed by his family and was enrolled at Mount Bachelor Academy. The family believed that the majority of his problems involved learning deficits and an inability to focus. They helped him complete the majority of his schoolwork due to difficulty with work and the inability to focus in class. During his public schooling he was only evaluated for a learning disability even though the school suspected that he had ADHD. The district concluded that T.A. was not eligible for services because he did not have a learning disability under IDEA. Although they suspected he had ADHD and may have qualified for services under Section 504, they never pursued it. T.A’s mother contacted school officials many times insisting that her son was having difficulties in school. They said that further testing would be useless as they felt it would not reveal anything that he was not already evaluated for. The district proceeded by offering no additional assistance. He soon fell further behind and experimented with drug use. T.A’s parents hired a private psychologist who later diagnosed T.A. with depression, ADHD, drug abuse, and a learning disability in mathematics. At this point, his parents removed him from Forest Grove School District and enrolled him at Mount Bachelor Academy, which focused on students with disabilities. T.A’s parents obtained legal representation, which under IDEA requested a hearing to demand that, the school district follow-up with an evaluatio... ...e school district. The support for reimbursement was present but differential review barred them from receiving reimbursement. Works Cited "Forest Grove School District vs. TA." The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law. N.p.. Web. 2 Mar 2014. . "Forest Grove School District vs. TA." Cornell University of Law. N.p.. Web. 2 Mar 2014. . Wrights, Peter. "Supreme Court Issues Pro-Child Decision in Forest Grove School District v. T.A. by Peter Wright, Esq. and Pamela Wright, MA, MSW ." Wrightslaw. N.p., 02 06 2011. Web. 2 Mar 2014. . Zirkel, Perry. "Tuition Reimbursement for Special Education Students." Future of Children. N.p.. Web. 2 Mar 2014. .

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay --

In both Things Fall Apart and Antigone, Okonkwo and Creon faced many similar difficulties along their paths to their predetermined fate. In white men trying to convert Okonkwo’s village to Christianity, ultimately leading to the suicide of Okonkwo. And in Antigone, Creon faced difficulties as well. King Creon, a dictator, creates his own laws without considering the desires of the people. Creon declares Polyneices not to be buried, punishes and kills Antigone for trying to give her brother a proper burial, lets no one mourn his death (SP4). Although Creon didn’t kill himself he has to live with his knowing that he brought this tragedy on himself. Both characters were challenged together in separate ways with both unfortunate outcomes. In both stories we know that Okonkwo and Creon rule by fear and they both believe that having power is the most important thing; it isn’t (SP1). That trait of fear of weakness may as well of been both Okonkwo and Creon’s trag ic flaw which caused the two their devastating downfall. Likewise, to make decisions, they use their own reasoning rather than consulting or listening to others. This is what compels us to believe why they had their downfall in each of the stories. They are similar, Okonkwo and Creon, in the way that they both are the two tragic heroes. They both are challenged in the way that their lives have been upset by something new. Antigone’s attempt at a heroic action, burying her brother when it was against Theban law to do so. The Theban law prohibited the burial of those that were not loyal to Thebes; however Antigone did so anyways (SP1a). She created chaos for Creon when his whole family died. Creon supposes that all his decisions benefit the whole community, whereas they really on... ...sively never end up in their favor anyways. In both Antigone and Things Fall Apart, they were challenged in ways where at first they believed their verdict of the situation was appropriate and equitable they come to realization at the end that they were very incorrect in thinking so. Okonkwo finds, at the conclusion of the book that everything he ever aimed to become was essentially inevitable. Mirthfully enough, he becomes just like his father, a disgrace to the clan. Creon as well realizes his fault at the end of the book, where he has his anagnorisis. He understands that making this law, and entombing Antigone lead to the death of all his loved ones. The two together rule by fear and don’t like showing weakness. They are oblivious to the desires of those around them, and don’t take into account that the view of the people and their families may be quite different.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

“An Outpost of Progress”: Ideology and Action

Simplifying the actions for both sides in relation to ideology, the inferior's actions are placed on a spectrum of accepting that ideology to rebelling against it and the superior on a spectrum of the action of imposing [his] own ideology to the lack of imposition. As stated earlier, due to there being a lack of action the superior is then able to potentially see the wrongs in [his] actions while the inferior is constantly stuck in a place of action without ability to reflect ? a victim's complex.The short story â€Å"An Outpost of Progress,† written by Joseph Conrad, speaks about the Individual and the crowd: â€Å"the courage, the composure, the confidence; the emotions and the principles; every great and every Insignificant thought belongs not to the Individual but to the crowd: to the crowd that believes blindly In the Irresistible Orca of Its Institutions and of its morals, In the power of Its police and of Its opinion† (Conrad 2). The idea Conrad gives that an ind ividual is only capable of thinking and/or believing what [his] environment suggests is meant to refer specifically to the colonizers (European) ideology.French essayist Albert Mermen would disagree with Concord's ideas about the crowd and the individual, however (similar to Conrad) his text The Colonizer and The Colonized places its focus on the flaws of the colonizers ideology rather than ideology in general. Though the intention f both texts is to give an outlook on a specific ideology and the way it should be questioned by colonized and colonizer alike, it is also a gateway to think deeper about and question Ideology ? one's own and other's ? In general.Looking only at religion and the evident religious aspects In the story and the act of colonization In general, both the colonized and the colonizers are subject to the Ideology of religion. Asserts and Carrier, the colonist characters, are Christian: Make (or â€Å"Henry Price†l a native, believes in â€Å"dark spirits. † The way the story ends can be interpreted two ways if the bat: the colonists give up (realizing defeat) or they realize the wrongs in their Christian European ideology and the act of forcing it upon others, even indirectly.Putting the focus on religion, one could say that the dark spirits Make believes in brought about the two men's downfall. Ignoring the idea of the dark spirits, Asserts and Carrier more likely had reflected upon their actions and realized the Christian faith and the corresponding ideology is not universal truth. Asserts and Carrier are how Mermen describes the colonist's eye or assumptions toward the colonized: Nothing could better Justify the colonizers privileged position than his Industry, and nothing could better Justify the colonized destitution than his Indolence.The mythical portrait of the colonized therefore Includes an unbelievable laziness, and that of the colonizer, a virtuous taste for action† (Mimi 123). The two men are said Mimi explai ns the colonist view point: â€Å"The point is that the colonized means little to the colonizer. Far from wanting to understand him as he really is, the colonizer is preoccupied with making him undergo this urgent change† (Mimi 127).For the Illinois to see Make as the opposite of what a native is supposed to be according to what they had been taught would be a shock of reality; being put into a new situation makes it so prior-assumptions can be replaced with real life observations. Based on observations made, the concept of forcing now actual people into slavery appears different. The initial ‘progress' for the colonist characters in general is to successfully colonize the new land, potentially halting progress for the colonized and their society.Mimi says, â€Å"What is clear is that colonization weakens the colonized ND that all those weaknesses contribute to one another† (Mimi 159). The progress changes meaning for colonizers and becomes more-so a sense of awa kening for the colonizer and carries a darker literal message: â€Å"Progress was calling to Asserts from the river. Progress and civilization and all the virtues. Society was calling to its accomplished child to come, to be taken care of, to be instructed, to be Judged, to be condemned; it called him to return to that rubbish heap from which he had wandered away, so that Justice could be done† (Conrad 16).Asserts had failed his session, but due to his realization and not [due to] a lack of ability to succeed. The two men died by acknowledging the fact that they were both â€Å"slave dealers,† [to them] a dirty thing to be which, once put out there, caused Asserts to kill his assistant and then commit suicide himself. The symbolism in Asserts' death relating to the crucifix is powerful and makes his intentions clear; Asserts realized the Christian religion and his European ideology were not the only way and that his people, himself inclusive, were forcing the native pe ople into something that was not correct.

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Blue Spider Project

Is it true when you enter project management, you either go up the organization or out the door? Yes that is the truth, because there are only two places you can go from program management, namely up to the organization or out the door. There are only very few engineers who failed in program management and permitted to return to the project. In real life, failing managing a project means you will get fired in most cases. In this case the project manager should count himself lucky of getting back his job as an engineer.Is it possible for an executive to take too much of an interest in an R&D project? Yes it is possible, but it is more important that the project manager concentrates more on the administrative work. If the influence of an executive is suppressing individuality of the competent team members it will be too much of an interest, because every team member should have the possibility to contribute in their own way.Should Paul Evans has been permitted to report information to Gable before reporting it to the project manager? In the one hand he has to report to him every morning with the raw data results of the previous days, but in the other hand Paul Evans himself thinks that Gable might manipulate them, because he thinks this is his own project. In most cases this should not be allowed because the information can be used against the project manager. It would be a better solution that the project manager should be informed at first if the information might strongly influence the project.Is it customary for the project manager to prepare all of the handouts for a customer interchange meeting? Yes of course, it is necessary because every one of them want a copy of all handouts to be presented at last 3 days before. Furthermore it is essential for them, because they want to scrutinize the data. Furthermore it is necessary for them to make the right decisions and avoid mistakes. The most recommended thing for a project manager is to write the minutes on his own because he can be sure that nobody is interpreting any decision or discussion in a wrong way afterwards. Gary must take in consideration that all administrative work is necessary and should be taken serious, because one day it might become an importance at a later stage of the project to have right decision and information by the customer.What happens when a situation of mistrust occurs between the customer and contractor? If there is a situation of mistrust, raising the frequency of interchange meeting from one meeting per month up to one meeting per week is important. But the negative thing of this change is the huge amount of paperwork. Meetings could also be postponed which leads to a time delay. Furthermore, to improve the interchange of information between the contractor and the customer, the contractor should place some stuff to the company of the customer.Should a project manager ever censor bad news?The project manager has to report about the performance. Insufficient performance will provoke a negative reaction of a project sponsor. We think a project manager should deliver almost all the facts as soon as possible and as objectively as possible. There are three possibilities of controlling the performance and to have an overlook of a work package. First the green traffic light, which means, everything is on the right way. Then there is the orange traffic light which tells the project manager to talk to the project team first, to find possible solutions for the problems. An least the red one, which leads to an report from the project manager to the upper management to get help.Could the above- mentioned problems have been resolved if there had been a singular methodology for project management in place? It is a tricky task to select the most suitable project management methodology due to the fact that there are a few dozens of factors that should be considered. There is no good or bad methodology only the most suitable one. I believe that the mis sing communication and the violation of protocol were the main reasons for the above mentioned problems. Some methodologies could be the crystal method and waterfall method.The crystal method focuses on communication, while the waterfall method focuses on the protocol issue. However, the  above mentioned problems would not occur if there was a good communication between the responsible people. A project manager who can communicate thoroughly and effectively with his team, his customer, and his company leadership will go far. He will have a higher degree of customer satisfaction. His team will be better engaged and understand what is expected of them. So in this case study the project manager is one of the people to be blamed.Can a singular methodology for project management specify morality and ethics in dealing with customers? If so, how do we then handle situations where the project manager violates protocol? When it comes to project management, ethics which are defined as the m oral values and beliefs, are extremely important in gaining the support of the project team and customers. It is so much easier to point the fingers at one person. However, ethically no person should be singled out for the project failure. A methodology called PRINCE might lead to more objective evaluation and assessment of project. But with the addition that it only helps the responsible people to handle ethnics and is not doing the whole job for them.A singular methodology cannot specify morality and ethnics in dealing with customers. Could the lessons learned on success and failure during project debriefings cause a major change in the project management methodology? Reflecting experience is an element of the final project report with the explicit objective of knowledge transfer for future projects. This report has to be compiled by the project manager and includes conclusions and recommendations in the sense of summarizing what can be improved in future projects. The blue spider project will not benefit a lot from the debriefing because the mistakes had already been done and the project finished. But the project manager Gary and his team could use this knowledge in order to choose a new project management methodology and learn from their mistakes.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Of Mice and Men Qu Essay

Do you agree that Lennie is always incapable of taking responsibility for his actions? You should refer closely to Lennie’s words, to events and to the actions and opinions of other characters in your answer. Throughout the majority of the novel, Steinbeck demonstrates how Lennie relies on George to help him out of the dire, tense situations he brings upon himself. Steinbeck conveys this image of Lennie by producing this by frequent reoccurring events, Lennie’s actions or even implicit use of speech from or even directed at Lennie. At the opening section of the book, Steinbeck chooses to show us the large contrast between George and Lennie; he describes how Lennie â€Å"flung himself down† â€Å"snorting into the water like a horse.† The use of crude descriptive words such as â€Å"flung† or â€Å"snorting† suggests just how careless Lennie can be. This compares Lenny to an animal which instinctively lashes at the sight of something they want without thinking logically at all. And with this, the readers taste the first time at which how reliant Lennie is of George. Steinbeck chooses to have George say that Lennie will â€Å"be sick like you was last night.† By mentioning â€Å"last night†, the reader learns that Lennie must regularly make stupid mistakes like this. It is made very apparent how Lennie is unable to take responsibility for his actions when he crushes Curley’s hand. Lennie was unable to understand the situation when Curley made a misunderstanding about Slim and his wife and Lennie continued â€Å"smiling with delight† on a completely different topic. This produces a juxtaposition image in the reader’s mind where at one side: Curley is steaming hot with anger as he â€Å"whirled† upon Carlson (the word â€Å"whirled† also suggests how he only gave Slim respect opposed to Carlson who he flipped into his old aggressive self again) and on the other, Lennie is grinning to himself like an idiot. The fact that Steinbeck chooses to have Lennie fantasize whilst a loud commotion is going on nearby shows just how little awareness and sense Lennie has altogether. And this is what leads into the fight. When Lennie is being attacked, he has no intuition to make a decision on what to do so once again he â€Å"looked helplessly at George.† The word helplessly really emphasises just how incapable Lennie is like a baby animal or lamb for instance when he gets himself into trouble like this. He â€Å"bleated with terror† implying that even with the strength Lennie possesses, he is unable to analyse the situation to take responsibility of the problem he has gotten himself into. The words â€Å"bleated† and â€Å"terror† really create an atmosphere as if Lennie like a baby lamb has been corned by a wolf. This is done by using the onomatopoeia â€Å"bleat† so you can almost here how distressed and vulnerable Lennie is at this stage. All he can do is use his animal like instincts and â€Å"retreat† and defend with his â€Å"huge paws†. The reference to â€Å"paws† may also hint to us what is about to come however it may have several connotations; a bear is a shy beast and doesn’t want attention, however if a situation of danger arises, it can be extremely vicious and protective just like Lennie becomes when George tells him to â€Å"get him.† On the other hand, â€Å"paws† may refer to another weaker animal such as the â€Å"paws† of a puppy that Lennie was so infatuated about. This can symbolize how weak and inexperienced Lennie is since he is also new to this aggression he is receiving likewise to a new born pup is to the world. At this stage, Slim sees how vulnerable and useless he is and â€Å"jumped up† to help. The impact the moment is causing on the other workers watching is shown to be so big that the respected Slim is even shaken conveyed by â€Å"jumped up.† It shows how emotions inside Slim were building up until they finally â€Å"jumped† out of him in an explosion. Steinbeck does this to show how useless Lennie can be in these situations so that even people around him who have known him for a few hours understand how dependent he is. However, Lennie with George’s guidance was able to do something however his actions shows the reader once again just how unintentionally irresponsible he can be. At first the description of Lennie’s attack is just that Curley’s â€Å"fist was lost in Lennie’s big hand†. It isn’t very dramatic at this point and just seems like Lennie stops Curley from attacking him. For example, it could of been described using dramatic words such as: Curley’s hand was absolutely crushed causing him to scream with agony however it uses the word â€Å"disappear† to relieve all the tension that may of built up; this may be done to cause a greater impact later on. The speech that follows explains how the situation was worsening. George tells Lennie to â€Å"leggo of him† but all Lennie could do was watch â€Å"in terror† which shows how shaken up he is so that he can’t even respond. Even with George who â€Å"slapped him in the face again and again†, Lennie was still unresponsive. By slapping him George hoped to achieve a respond which would normally happen to anyone however it shows that Lennie was undergoing a mental difficulty insde. The way Steinbeck describes George having to give multiple signals â€Å"again and again† like slapping or verbal commands show how incapable Lennie was. When Lennie finally finishes he doesn’t seem to even understand what he’s done. He doesn’t even look at the â€Å"shrunken† Curley and immediately talks to George â€Å"miserably†. At this point Slim had â€Å"regarded Lennie with horror† showing how his opinion of him being a â€Å"nice fella† had turned so very quickly. By having Slim- a very high respected figure looking at Lennie with this â€Å"horror†, Steinbeck causes the readers to truly understand how dangerous and uncontrollable he is. Lennie’s only concern here was probably mainly whether or not he could tend to the rabbits so he was apologizing to George. He even asks George at the end of the section whether he can â€Å"still tend the rabbits† which once again shows us how unaware of the situation he really is and this requires George to look into their greater concern- whether they will â€Å"get canned now†. This shows that even though Lennie is not prioritized correctly, George once again desperately tries to fix the damage that’s been done which suggests how many times this may of happened in the past. Steinbeck just repeatedly reinforces the strong idea of what Lennie is like and how George has to bail him out time and time again. It states how â€Å"Slim smiled wryly† and instantly the world â€Å"wryly† shows how Slim is going to take responsibility and deal with Curley in a slightly devious, corrupt method so that George and Lennie won’t get sacked. After Lennie killed the puppy in section 5, his initial fears was once again the rabbits. And after he causes the death of Curley’s wife, his fears remained the same. At that point, â€Å"he pawed up the hay until it partly covered her† and left for the place where George told him to go if anything wrong happened. The fact that Lennie crudely leaves the body openly â€Å"partly† hidden in the barn shows how little concern he has for the bigger picture. The way Lennie only â€Å"partly† hides the corpse shows what little concern he has almost to the extent where it becomes ridiculous as all he can think of is go to the rendezvous part and have George help him yet again. Up until the beginning of section 6, Lennie has acted irresponsibly and ironically, he begins to think accordingly to the situation only when it is too late. Opposed to how he â€Å"flung† himself around in section 1, Lennie went through the bushes to the meeting place â€Å"as silently as a creeping bear moves†. He also â€Å"drank, barely touching his lips to the water† opposed to how he was â€Å"snorting† it like a horse. Steinbeck uses the same location to create a strong contrast between the juxtaposition used here. As he crept â€Å"silently† and drank â€Å"barely† touching the water, these two words emphasise how carefully he is acting. Steinbeck deliberately does this to emphasise how late it is for him to be responsible and coordinated. And even so, it is George once again who has to take the real responsibility to shoot him.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

And Learning English With The Help Of Computers Education Essay

This survey attempts to research and analyze the function of computing machines in the procedure of instruction and larning English in an Argentinean private school of English. The chief purpose is to look into and understand the usage of computing machines in the schoolroom and to detect whether they contribute to further the procedure of larning English. The different instruction state of affairss are examined every bit good as the activities carried out in the schoolroom and the pupil ‘s and teacher ‘s functions. The environments in which pupils learn and the ways in which people work and live are invariably being transformed by bing and emerging engineerings. Hence, technological alterations appears to act upon everyone in society and dispute the traditional procedure of instruction and acquisition, every bit good as the manner in which instruction is managed. The outgrowth of the wireless, telecasting, tape participants and pictures became of import resources for instructors to back up their lessons and the same occurred in the 1970ss and 1880ss when personal computing machines reached the markets. It seems to be utile to transport out this research in order to happen the advantages that engineering, particularly computing machines, offers to education sing two groups of scholars from two different school of English in Olavarria, which is a metropolis in the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Many theories have been presented by assorted researches and there is still controversy among this subject. Therefore, diging into such of import facets is indispensable to be experimented in order to explicate our ain decisions. This paper will be aimed at garnering meaningful findings which may assist instructors in general to get down sing the usage of computing machines and the Internet in the different schoolrooms. ( alteration or accommodate ) Warschauer ( 1996 ) suggests that engineering turned out to be an indispensable tool in instruction as it provides pupils with valuable connexions with instructors, other schools and students, every bit good as a broad web of professionals around the Earth. Nowadays, these important engineerings are used in instruction in order to better it and do pupils take full advantage of them. However, furthering the usage of computing machines seems to be complex issue to be implemented in Argentinean ‘s schoolrooms due to the deficiency of resources. As a consequence, few schools have the possibility to take advantage of the available engineering and instructors tend to avoid this new tool. The intent of this work is to demo whether the usage of computing machines and the Internet stimulates pupils to larn a foreign linguistic communication and assist them to develop the different macro accomplishments expeditiously. Expectations are directed towards the activities that scholars are able to make with engineering that they would non be able to make without it. The findings of this research will convey valuable foundations to reflect upon the advantages of presenting computing machine assisted linguistic communication acquisition ( CALL ) in the procedure of instruction and larning a foreign linguistic communication. Literature reappraisal The functions of computing machines in the schoolroom The integrating of computing machines in instruction has been discussed widely and much attending has been devoted to their function in the schoolrooms. The first execution of computing machines in instruction was around the sixtiess but their usage was really limited. From that clip onwards, the developments of computing machines grew and the function it has in instruction presents is that of an instructional tool for presenting information that can excite instruction and acquisition. Computer assisted linguistic communication acquisition ( CALL ) is going a relevant country and might assist instructors to actuate pupils to larn through engineering. Bergel and Gonzalez ( 2009 ) states that web-based tools might provide for existent life communicative demands, and they allow pupils to go more independent and to interact with other scholars, instructors and society in general. It has besides been stated that â€Å" aˆÂ ¦ certain types of scholars may be better suited to some CALL stuffs than other pupils † ( Chapelle & A ; Jamieson, 1986, p. 27 ) . The writers assured that pupils who are non field independent, for illustration, show a important penchant for utilizing CALL. There are three phases of Computer assisted linguistic communication larning identifiable in recent old ages. Harmonizing to Warschauer ( 1996 ) , there exists three stages of Call: Behavioristic: is based on behaviorist larning theory, and it focuses on insistent linguistic communication drills. In this phase, the computing machine is viewed as a coach moving as a medium for directing instructions and stuffs to pupils. Communicative: The 2nd stage of CALL emerged in the! 970s and 1980s when the communicative attack to the instruction of a foreign linguistic communication was in trend. This phase emerged when pedagogues felt that the boring attack did non let plenty reliable communicating. The computing machine is used for accomplishment pattern, but at that place no boring techniques are used. There is more learner pick, control and interaction. Now, the accent is on larning as a originative procedure of find, look and development. â€Å" In this instance, the intent of the CALL activity is non so much to hold pupils detect the right reply, but instead to excite pupils ‘ treatment, composing, or critical thought † ( Warschauer, 1996, p. 3 ) . Integrative: it focuses on a societal o socio-cognitive position of acquisition. The usage of linguistic communication in a more reliable context is emphasised, which encourages pupils to build intending utilizing computing machines. This stage is based on two of import technological developments: multimedia and the Internet. Multimedia engineering, brings many advantages and it can merely be found in a computing machine. â€Å" What makes multimedia even more powerful is that it besides entails interactive multimedia. That means that the multimedia resources are all linked together and that scholars can voyage their ain way merely by indicating and snaping a mouse † ( Warschauer, 1996, p. 4 ) . The Internet with the Web 2.0 offers all users the possibility to make, upload and edit texts, besides other synergistic tools. Learners can make and interchange information freely. The development from one phase to another does non intend the rejection of the old phase. All of them are integrated and complement to each other. At present, CALL is in trend and many research workers have agreed on the advantages it gives to larn a foreign linguistic communication. It is noticeable that CALL might give the possibility to larn a linguistic communication as it can be â€Å" a coach which offers linguistic communication drills or skill pattern ; a stimulation for treatment and interaction ; or a tool for composing and research. With the coming of the Internet, it can besides be a medium of planetary communicating and a beginning of illimitable reliable stuffs † ( Warschauer, 1996, p. 7 ) . As said by Garret ( 1991 ) , computing machines can â€Å" function a assortment of utilizations for linguistic communication instruction but the usage of the computing machine does non represent a method but a medium in which a assortment of methods, attacks, and pedagogical doctrines may be implemented † ( p. 75 ) . Teachers appear to be the 1s who are responsible for presenting new technological methods to their categories and guide pupils towards a better acquisition. Computers as instruction and acquisition tools Reading and vocabulary: utilizing computing machines in the schoolroom for reading, which include articles taken from the Internet, might back up the development of reading accomplishments among pupils. Kasper ( 2000 ) states that these reading stuffs which are taken from the Internet supply a assortment of modern, reliable texts if compared to stuffs sourced from text editions. As some research workers have conducted assorted surveies on the usage of engineering in foreign linguistic communication instruction, there is one empirical survey which showed that two dissimilar group of pupils were given the same linguistic communication activity, but in different manners: in the traditional pen-and-paper format and utilizing computing machines. After the activity, Bruce & A ; Levin ( 1997 ) were able to place the different grades of motive towards both undertakings reasoning that computer-assisted version of the activity was found more extremely actuating and good for the group of scholars which were observed. The accomplishment of authorship, for illustration, is at present the topic of a considerable sum of research. Mills ( 1996 ) affirms that composing is chiefly a societal act concerned foremost and first with knowledge and ever associated to context. In general, composing seems to be a lone act in which pupils by and large fulfil an assignment either at place or at school to be handed in to their instructors. â€Å" The societal facets of authorship are diminished when there is a limitation on the societal infinite where readers and authors come together † ( Mills, 1996, p. 2 ) . Therefore, utilizing the tools that the cyberspace is offering might assist to foreshorten the distance between authors and readers. Communication with native talkers allows scholars to rehearse specific accomplishments such as discussing, inquiring for elucidation, negociating significance, carrying others, clear uping different facets, inquiring for information, etcetera. Warschauer and Meskill ( 2000 ) province that â€Å" Computer based treatment which takes topographic point outside the schoolroom increases pupils ‘ chances to pass on in another forum, affording both general linguistic communication pattern and pattern in composing † ( p. 8 ) . Harmonizing to Larson ( 1999 ) , the transactional nature of the Internet and the pedagogical relevancy of state-of-the-art web-based synergistic engineerings make web-based direction a feasible vehicle for foreign linguistic communication instruction. There could more research done in this country to farther look into the option of utilizing the Internet to ease foreign linguistic communication acquisition and therefore, chief findings will function as sharing research-based cognition which will enrich the different probes that have been done so far. Bergel and Gonzalez ( Ibid. ) argues that word-processors, web logs, wikis and electronic mails among others seem to lend to the acquisition of a foreign linguistic communication and increase pupils ‘ motive advancing contact with reliable linguistic communication. Computers ought to be integrated in the school environment as it has become an progressively of import characteristic of the acquisition state of affairs for pupils in general, every bit good as a important component to the instruction of a foreign linguistic communication and that is the ground why instructors should happen a manner to present it in the teaching-learning state of affairs The innovation of the printing imperativeness has transformed the rational life of the universe and has improved the acquisition conditions. By the same item, computing machines have done a similar work presents for, with the chink of a mouse, we are able to see what is taking topographic point in the universe. Therefore, Larson ( Ibid. ) claims that it is highly important to see these chances that engineering offers to the educational system taking history of the pupils ‘ degree that is the most suited in each state of affairs. In the present survey, the advantages of utilizing engineering for larning a foreign linguistic communication will be discussed, seeking to show such advantages upon a group of scholars. What function does the teacher ( instructor ) drama in this facet, and how of import is the teacher ‘s presence? What is the engineering ‘s consequence on the acquisition of the foreign linguistic communication and accomplishments? Do pupils bask the experience and feel motivated? Do pupils comprehend that they improved their accomplishment or public presentation in larning with the aid of engineering? The replies to these inquiries will be examined in the present research.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Project 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Project 2 - Essay Example The airline has experienced the largest growth in the Asian airlines market. To be able to determine what customers want. Knowledge management needs to be very active. This also helps to increase the competitive advantage of the company. The aim of this study is to analyse knowledge management, The paper also looks at how knowledge can be created and disseminated. This paper also looks at elements that affect knowledge and knowledge managements, these elements include trust in peers and trust in organizations’ leaders. The paper also makes hypothesis in support of the analysis and gives results of a study conducted based on the hypothesis. The results of the study trust affects KMB, the creativity level in organizations, innovation, and productivity. Results also show that knowledge increases productivity if it is well managed .The paper finally gives a conclusion based on the analysis and the results from the study undertaken. The emerging concept of learning economies has sharpened the focus on knowledge as a vital strategic resource for individuals, firms, and national economies. Traditionally, organizations instinctively protected their sources of competitive advantage and often used patent rights to insure their innovative actions. However, in the wake of the information revolution has come a new appraisal of the function of global knowledge as corporate assets and hence the emergence of "knowledge management" as a key strategic function (DEBOWSKI, 2010). What an organization knows about itself, its market, its products, its technologies and its people is unique and has high value in the competitive mix. Forced by the need to survive, organizations have recourse to international fields of operation in order to expand, and thereby to increase their knowledge pool by multiples of factors. It is knowledge which helps them succeed in this broader competitive field (HEISIG, 2003). However, just like any

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Problem solving questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Problem solving questions - Essay Example It includes also an incorporated limited partnership. Once a partnership is formed, every partner becomes the agent of the firm and other partners in relation to the business of the firm. Thus, every act of partner for the purpose of business except in the case of incorporated limited partnership shall bind the firm and other partners provided the partner acts within his authority to act for the firm in specific cases and the person whom the partner is dealing with believes him to be the partner having authority. In other words, if the person dealt with by the partner knows that the partner has no authority, his acts cannot bind the firm nor other partners. The same holds good in respect of a general partner vis-a-vis the firm and other general partners. Section 13 (1) of the Act lays down that all partners except in the case of an incorporated limited partnership are liable jointly and severally for the liabilities of the firm that have risen whilst being partners. S 13 (2) if the p artner who is an individual dies, his/her estate is severally liable for the liabilities of the firm after satisfaction of his/her separate debts. Same holds good in case of incorporated limited partnership for a deceased general partner. The general partner of an incorporated limited partnership is liable only in respect of unsatisfied liabilities of the firm or more as per the partnership agreement. ... As the partnership business is in common, the partners should disclose material facts that affect their partnership failing which it would amount to misrepresentation on the part of those who fail to do so. Further, a retiring partner can by a condition of restraint of trade be prohibited to start a competing business within the locality for a pre-determined period. Further, a partnership contract cannot be assigned (Gilles, 1988). Application In view of the above important provisions governing partnership business, Jody whose capital will be at stake must have the partnership agreement reduced to writing. And Jody must be entitled to a proportionately higher share of profit and reserve to herself the right to take important decisions in day to day management. This does not mean the other partners are not liable to loss that may occur due to Jody’s decision making. Conclusion Jody can enter into partnership with Mike and Sarah keeping in view of the limited capital or no capit al Mike and Sara may bring in and also have an agreement in restraint of trade on the retiring partners including Jody herself. Consequences The proposal to enter into partnership agreement among Jody, Mike and Sarah will be viable subject to the above conditions therein. 2. Tort- negligent misstatement Issues: Whether Amy can sue Betty for her wrong advice tendered to Amy as a result of negligent misstatement? Law and cases: In order to prove negligence on the part of defendant, claimant should satisfy three conditions. That defendant had a duty of care to the claimant; this was breached by the defendant; that the damage caused by the breach of duty was

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Effects of Technology in Administrative Office Systems Essay - 1

Effects of Technology in Administrative Office Systems - Essay Example ed turnaround such as Smartphone, the Internet and tablet PCs has shown signs of certain disadvantages that may have long-lasting effects if not addressed timely. Since connectivity to the internet is not an issue anymore it is possible to access both personal and office related work via the internet just about any time during the day. All one needs to do is to log into the internet and begin to access your work while even sitting at your home. " Typically, the concern about our dependence on technology is that it detracts from our time with family and friends in the real world. ... It may be that the immediacy of the Internet, the efficiency of the iPhone and the anonymity of the chat room change the core of who we are." (Pope, 2010) Administrative Offices have many managerial tasks at hand. It is imperative that their details be discussed in order to narrate the changes that would be bought with the fusion of technology in them. For a conventional office system administrative tasks may merely be as simple as the maintenance of records of the employees working for an organization and the maintenance and generation of their payroll, regularly, on a monthly basis to the strategic tasks as those involving major business decision making. Managing of administrative knowledge, in a knowledgeable manner is the key to betterment in the implementation of these processes. Shannak researched the effect of managing knowledge upon administrative decision making and quotes the following as part of his research, "Knowledge Management is a technique that seeks to improve the performance of individuals and organizations by making use of the present and future value of knowledge assets. It is presumed that the performance will be improved by providing the right knowledge to the right people at the right time." (Shannak, 2010) The introduction of technology has revolutionized the nature of administrative office tasks. The transition from manually entered official data in a

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


BUSINESS MODELS, CUSTOMER & CROSS-CULTURAL EXPERIENCES - Assignment Example The company can use the pricing strategy. That can involve a low penetration cost that is backed by high low levels of advertising. That would ensure that the consumers are attracted to the company products by the low prices. The other strategy could be the use of high prices and high levels of advertising. The high prices would compensate for the high advertising costs that are incurred by the company. The company should not rush into manufacturing because the amount investment could end up as a loss if the products are not approved. If I was the CEO of the company, I would first await for the approving of the product before I go ahead with manufacturing. The main idea of the business was to establish a strategy that will ensure that there is stability of the business even if there are instances of substitutes or entrants of new companies into the industry. That will ensure that the business gains brand royals that will ensure that there is smooth running of the business. There is also an attempt to ensure that the quality of products is maximized so as to reduce the bargaining of customers. The best customer experience I had was when I was been attended to in a local hotel. The service in the hotel was awesome and it was as a result of the good customer service that I received from the hotel attendants. I had expectations of a good service; however, I did not expect it to be of such a high quality as it was displayed in the hotel. The service was awesome as compared to my expectations and that is what made my day awesome. The service counts as my best service because I was able to at least have quality customer service and the hotel had a good feedback system in which I could air my grievances or complains (Brock, 2007). The worst service that I received was in a hospital. I expected the hospital to offer quality services because it was dealing with sick people. The services at the hospital were horrible from the

Monday, September 9, 2019

Should tablet computer replace the traditional Textbook Essay

Should tablet computer replace the traditional Textbook - Essay Example It is time globalization provided something positive to one of the internationally universal sector, academic (Reiss, 2013). Computer tablets are built to increase the efficiency of individual users. With respect to the amount of positive work they can accomplish, it is clear that their prices and usefulness provide a reasonable cost benefit tradeoff. On the other hand, the cumulative cost of all the textbooks needed for completing a course is high which makes the use of e-books cheaper. Although piracy is a crime in the US, the use of computer tablets enables different members of the academic sector to share the academic resources they have. For online courses, tuition fees paid to institutions allows students to have access to online library. With computer tablet, it is economical to access the virtual libraries rather than buying from online vendors (Rock, 2014). Being a student means being able to take notes, solve math problems, erase some errors from written text, draw in art class, and perform complex statistical analysis as coursework. All these activities require the student to have pens, pencils, calculators, and computers. Using a computer tablet combines all these factors together ensuring that the student spends less. Another reason as to why traditional textbooks should be replaced with computer tablets is because the production of textbooks involves the destruction of vegetation cover which suppresses the economy even further. Carrying heavy back packs has been associated with back issues such as injuries and lifelong complications. Carrying textbooks to and from school is an activity that largely contributes to back issues. However, the use of computer tablets resolves the issues associated with carrying heavy textbooks. Due to the small size and standard weight of 1 to 2 pounds makes tablet computers suitable for cutting back on back health issues (Tablets-Textbooks, 2014). In

The American Congress Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The American Congress - Essay Example This research paper aims to show the possible improvements within the public policy making process of the legislation under the condition when the federal legislative terms of the members of the Congress are limited. This study will first narrate a short background of the American Congress. It will discuss the specifications of the offices held by the members of the Congress – both the House of Representatives and the Senate. It will then discuss the positive and negative effects when the office terms of the members of the Congress are shortened. The American Congress: the House of Representatives and the Senate The legislative branch of the American Federal government consists of members of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The legislation’s primary task is to create Congressional bills that are subject to executive review and Congressional votes – those of which pass as state laws afterwards. The legislature also has the power to approve executive de cisions through two-thirds vote of the chamber. Petitions for impeachment are deliberated by the House of Representatives which are then elevated for trials in the Senate. ... The Senate comprises of 100 members - two senators from each state, regardless of population (â€Å"Art & History†). The members of the House of Representatives are elected to serve for two years while the members of the Senate are elected to serve for six years (Smith, Roberts and Vander Wielen 87-121). The American Congress Under a Limited Federal Legislative Term Under the circumstance where the federal legislative terms of the members of the Congress are put to a limit, there are several positive and negative effects to the policy making process of the legislative branch as a whole. The positive aspect about limiting the terms of service of the members of the Congress is the sense of inevitable competitiveness of each of the newly elected individuals into office. The shorter the term of service of the politicians, the more determined they become to out-wit the previous legislative set. Indeed, a sense of competition is naturally established amongst every new set of congres smen/congresswomen. In light with this mentality, it can be assumed that the members of the Congress could produce better policies – policies that would garner the most satisfaction from their constituents and would put the public interest in the forefront. Efficiency in public service is also another positive effect under the condition of limited federal legislative term. Due to the influence of competitiveness, the newly elected sets of congressmen/congresswomen would be forced to produce a more efficient quality of service because they would want their short time in office to be remembered by their constituents. In this case, the American Congress would obviously become more aggressive in terms of

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Contemporary business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Contemporary business - Essay Example In addition, the report will include examples on Coca Cola, Toyota and leadership style of Bill Gates to support all the discussions. Finally, a conclusion will be provided to summarise all research findings and mentioned business management issues / problems. Before critically analysing the functions and management issues in a global business to identify ways to reduce risk and improve organisational effectiveness, I first would like to throw light over what we mean by efficiency and effectiveness. Organisational efficiency refers to the capability of a business enterprise to produce maximum output with the help of same available sources. In other words, it could be defined as an ability to produce same level of output with fewer sources. The world has become a global village after the contemporary developments and advancements in information technology and communication networks. These recent advancements and improvements in media networks and advertising have greatly affected the attitudes, beliefs, behaviours, lifestyles and perceptions. At the same time, this has also created many business opportunities for enterprises. In fact, many businesses have gone global and have become transnational, multinational or supranational corporations with operations all across the world. Companies today are expanding their operations all across the globe to target a large group of potential customers who are heavily exposed to media, and who now have relatively similar lifestyles (inclination towards a white collar job, brands, facilities, luxuries etc). On the other hand, customers have also become very demanding, since they seek value and are inclined towards new and innovative products. In short, it could be said that busines ses have to deal with a large diverse group of customers who have both willingness and ability towards different innovative and existing products. Businesses usually have many different international market entry

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Gaining Power and Influence in the Workplace Essay

Gaining Power and Influence in the Workplace - Essay Example From this study it is clear that  power is the aptitude to control people. Authority is the privilege to influence, control, and transform other people. To elucidate how the reporter gains power and influence in the work place, it is important to describe French and Raven model of power and influence. These two individuals postulated an all inclusive form of collective and shared authority. In doing so, they proposed and recommended various categories of authority. These categories include intimidation, incentive, valid, specialist, referent, as well as informational. People in positions of leadership can achieve power and influence through corporeal and oral intimidations. Power through intimidation can either be applied to a single entity or a group of people.This paper highlights that  achieving power and influence through incentives is practiced in many organizations all over the world. Individuals who are involved in making decisions regarding incentives have all the power a nd influence in the workplace. Valid power and influence is achieved on the basis of how the individual in management position is expected to behave by the public. In referent power, people are known to respect and recognize the authority of individuals that they are capable of forming relationships or associations with. Informational power depends on the status of an individual as some individuals are considered to be more knowledgeable than others.